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Magical Skills

Focus is a Mages ability to influence the world around them by drawing on the Wyrd. When you use Focus, this represents using your mind, will or raw power to influence the world with magic so please remember to roleplay this appropriately. A player can start with four Focus but may buy more with xp. Some spells will cost more than one focus point to cast. There are several skills that require it in the game listed below.

You can deliver any call powered by Focus with a Foci. Foci are magical items and tools that allow a mage to utilise spells. You must be holding your Foci to use any Cantrips.

If you use a Focus call from the list below and the target doesn’t take a call and doesn’t explicitly stop it affecting them then you don’t spend your Focus.

Wyrd Focus  

No XP cost. All players who take mage skill have access to this ability. Characters may perform this Rite to regain their focus equal to the number of participants in the rite minus one up to their maximum focus. This ability follows all rules of a rite except a Wyrd Draw test is not required.  


No XP cost. All players who take mage skill have access to this ability. A character may perform this cantrip at the cost of one focus point. The character learns if an item or object is Wryd, they will also learn what Sphere the item is attuned to. This will also allow a character to determine if the item or object is Corrupted. This cantrip does not work on living creatures. This ability follows all rules of a Cantrips.

Vocals/Length of casting: By all the elements/Minimum of Five Words/I identify this [object]

Magical skills

Extra focus

Initially 2xp, then increases by 1xp each time (E.g. 2xp for the first additional Focus, 3xp for the second additional, etc)
This skill grants you 1 additional Focus each time you buy it

Extra Cantrip

Cantrips list

Spells layout

Spell Name: This is what will appear as the spell name 

FP cost: Different cost per spell to cast

*When throwing a spell, You do not need to physically throw an item, This is a keyword we are using to mean that the spell may be a ranged spell with increase in focus*

Effect of spell: What it does

Vocals/Length of casting: All spells will have a minimum of 5 words before the spell name, and the element being channelled. 

Burning Taunt 

FP Cost: 1

Range of spell: Touch through foci – Throwable 10 metres 

Effect of spell: Rage courses through the target, They will charge and attack the caster if possible. If not the closest hostile target available. This is NOT a berserker rage, and behaves as a taunt to attack.

Counter Spell

FP Cost: 2 

Range of spell: Touch through foci – Throwable 10 metres 

Effect of spell: This spell stops a Cantrip or Call granted by a Rite or Ceremony immediately. It does not let you counter a Rite or Ceremony. You cannot counter this spell

Vocals/Length of casting: By the element of Air/Minimum of Five Words/I counter that spell
Example vocals: “By the element of air, may it encircle and protect me so that I counter that spell”

Elemental Blast

FP Cost: 1

Range of spell: Touch through foci – Throwable 10 metres  

Effect of spell: The caster selects a damage type of either Air, Earth, Fire or Water. When used with a foci this allows the next hit to use the selected damage type.
When used at ranged this cause 1 point of damage of the selected damage type.

Vocals/Length of casting: By the element of Earth/Air/Fire/Water – Minimum of Five Words– XXX Blast
Example vocals: “By the element of air I whip it to a frenzy and rend your skin with an air blast”
“By the element of earth I draw up stone pillars and hit you with an earth blast”
“By the element of fire I conjure flame to burn your skin with a flame blast”
“By the element of water I draw a riptide to tear at you with a water blast”


FP Cost: 1

Range of spell: Touch through foci – Throwable 10 metres 

Effect of spell: The character is unable to move their legs for 10 seconds. This call may hit the Shield or the target unless delivered by a ranged spell

Vocals/Length of casting: By the element of Water/Minimum of Five Words/I Ensnare you

Example vocals: By the element of Water, i freeze the ground and i ensnare you

Heal Wounds 

FP Cost: 1

Range of spell: Touch through foci *if the characters foci is destroyed in game they are able to cast this spell without a foci by putting your hand out towards the target person. You should not touch the person without checking in first*

Effect of spell: For every 10 seconds the character has contact to the target and maintains constant vocal’s they heal 1 point of damage to the target. This does not work on a character in active combat. The emphasis is on the target to count the amount of healing received. 

Vocals/Length of casting: By the element of Water/Minimum of Five Words/I heal your wounds
Example vocals: “By the element of water, I cleanse, purify and once again make whole and I heal your wounds”


FP Cost: 1

Range of spell: Touch through foci 

Effect of spell: The spell fixes an item that has been destroyed. 

Vocals/Length of casting: By the element of Earth/Minimum of Five Words/Mend 
Example vocals: “By the element of earth, may it lend its strength once more and I mend this armour”


FP Cost: 2

Range of spell: Touch through foci – Throwable 10 metres 

Effect of spell: The character is unable to move for 10 seconds. 


FP Cost: 1

Range of spell: Touch through foci – Throwable 10 metres 

Effect of spell: You may Shatter an opponent’s dagger, one handed weapon, Focus, Relic or Shield. This spell does not affect Two handed weapons, Polearms or Ranged weapons. The item is destroyed until mended and may not be used. If you attempt to block or parry with a destroyed weapon or shield then you take the effects as if it had hit you. Shattered items may be sheathed or put away and do not have to be dropped to protect players and physreps.

Vocals/Length of casting: By the element of Fire/Minimum of Five Words/Shatter
Example vocals: “By the element of fire and all its fury, I rend asunder this object, and shatter that sword”


FP Cost: 2

Range of spell: Self

Effect of spell: For the next 30 seconds you are immune to normal damage (E.G any attack that does not have any call attached, if call is attached to an attack you will take the effect of the call. This include arrows), but are unable to strike any target or cause any damage to another character. If you do, the spell immediately ends. *During the spell to demonstrate the spell the caster must have their free hand open in front of them*.

Vocals/Length of casting: By the element of Earth/Minimum of Five Words/I shield myself
Example vocals: “By the element earth I call it’s strength and protection so that I shield myself”


FP Cost: 1

Range of spell: Touch through foci – Throwable 10 metres 

Effect of spell: If this hits a character they are thrown away from the user of the spell 3 large steps.

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