Patch Notes
Greetings! We constantly improve things here at Menhirs Fate,
below is a thorough list of all the changes made!
26/01/2025 – Changelog
Wiki Updates 1.0.2
We have continued with language change and placement of the wiki so it lines up with the pages that have been updated. We’ve also corrected the ranges on rite abilities from 5 metres to 10 metres to line up with our Magical skills.
Ensnare has been added to the cantrip spells
We have updated Advance Physician can now restore other characters to full hit even when not in critical state but comes at a cost, so you should look for switched on Advance Physician.
The Guardians are the core ref team that will be administering weaving so we’ve moved the section on Guardians to the weaving skills page.
Rites and Weaving
These are two big systems with a lot of information. We’ve split them into two pages to make it easier to look at the specific system you are looking for information on.
We’ve adjusted the wording on a lot of the rites to bring them in line with rules changes elsewhere. Generally this has been calls and the range of some Rites.
Some Rites may be additionally reviewed.
We have also added how you can disrupt a Rite to make it clearer to people performing them and people who want to stop them!
We’ve changed the overload effect on Fable. The original wording referenced a previously unknown allergy flaring up and following feedback has been changed to “You feel compelled to move to a musical rhythm that only you can hear” This gives the player more agency to respond in a way they feel is appropriate for themselves and does not risk any issues with allergies.
Armour coverage
We’ve updated our description for armour coverage and tweaked the system to hopefully make it easier to understand the various levels of coverage and how to achieve them. We are planning to follow this up with pictures soon.
We’ve made it clearer that partial coverage and full coverage do not refer to the specifics of the armour covering a particular section of your body but to total sections such as limbs and torso that count as armoured across your entire body.
The reasons for this update is to communicate that we want players at menhirs fate to be able to come up with a wide variety of aesthetics for our nations that look cool without being too restricted by the locations in the armour system.
25/01/2025 – Changelog
Continuing from yesterday we’ve been focusing on making some of our rules clearer. Some of this has been rewording things but we’ve also done some fairly large structural changes around the Magic and Weaving skills. We’ve split these out into separate pages to make it easier to look at either the Mage skills or the Weaver skill and the abilities that are granted by either of these.
We’ve also added some details on banners because banners are cool.
Weapons & armour safety
We’ve added some safety information on Banners and their construction and use to the weapon and armour safety page.
We have also updated Pikes as we did not want anyone to be able to make calls at the range a Pike allows. This has also been changed in the Basic Skills page under the Polearm skill.
Magical skills and Weaving skills
We have restructured the Magical and Weaving skills page to better focus on their specific areas and provide greater on how these skills work. We have now split them into the Magical skills page which should now be a little more similar to the Vigour page layout with the Magical skills and any inherent abilities at the top and the Cantrips list containing the calls and their effects below that.
The Weaving page is now separate from the Magical skills page to better focus on how these two areas of the game work. Mages are still drawing upon similar power sources across the Wyrd but in different ways and this should make it clearer how each section of rules works.
We’ve also split out rites and weaving a little to be easier to read for the separate mechanics. Both of these are similar areas of the game but the pages involved were quite long and as they are two topics we felt they could be better communicated as separate pages within the same section of the wiki
Magical skills
Wyrd Focus
We have moved and edited this ability to line up with our formatting of zero cost xp abilities, it can now be found in Magical skills
We have moved and edited this ability to line up with our formatting of zero cost xp abilities, it can now be found in Magical skills
Elemental Blast
We have had some feedback on how much damage this causes via a foci, we have reworded it so it is clear you can only ever cause one point of damage via touch or ranged
Rites and Weaving skills
Handsel Augury
We have moved and edited this ability to line up with our formatting of zero cost xp abilities, it can now be found in the Rites and Weaving skills.
Weaving Skills
We’ve edited this to make it clearer that you take the weaver skill multiple time to acquire different spheres.
The weave mastery skill is required to improve the level of the sphere that you have already bought.
Spell changes
We’ve changed shielding to specify that it only stops normal damage but not calls.
We’ve changed counterspell to be clear about what you can counter.
24/01/2025 – Changelog
Wiki Changes
We’ve made some changes to hopefully improve general readability of the wiki. These may include alphabetising or otherwise structuring lists and changing the wording of some things. We’re going to list major changes here but some other bits may have also shuffled about!
Rules Changes
We’ve updated the wording of shatter to be clearer and changed what it can affect to be more in line with the overall vision for mages.
Basic Skills
We’ve updated some of our basic skills to clarify how the xp costs work cumulatively. The armour skills, Two handed weapon and polearm are affected by this.
We have also updated Shield Proficiency to have a bonus effect if you have the Stagger skill from the Vigour skill list as well as expanding a little more on shield safety
Thrown weapons have also been buffed!
Two handed weapon
Buying this skill will reduce the cost of Polearm to 1xp
Buying this skill also gives you access to the two handed weapon basic skill
Light Armour
Buying this skill will reduce the cost of Medium armour to 1xp and Heavy Armour to 2xp
Medium Armour
Buying this skill will reduce the cost of Heavy armour to 1xp
Shield proficiency
Shields can now use the vigour ability stagger! This enables those to use Stagger in response to being hit on the shield by a melee attack
This does not allow you to shield bash or fight unsafely with a shield
Thrown Weapons
Thrown weapons always Inflict the Stagger, even those that don’t have the Vigour skill.. Finally a reason to have a throwing weapon.
Foam armour
We’ve taken the decision to definitely include foam armour as a possibility for Menhirs Fate. We know there has been some confusion around this and we’ve had a discussion at length over accessibility in regards to money, weight of armour and the various skill sets people may be coming to Menhirs Fate with. While we are allowing Foam armour we want to make it clear that there is the potential risk for damage and we will be checking Foam armour as we would any other armour for safety risk to both the wearer and other participants as well as ensuring it is up to the quality of the look and feel.
Weapon and Armour safety/Arrows and Bolts/Banned items
We’ve added in some wording on the specifics for weapon and armour safety and construction as well as arrow and bolt construction. This has been very helpfully shared with us from The Empire larp team at Profound Decisions.
The reasoning for this is being able to have a strong relationship with another well established festival LARP like Empire and openly exchange valuable insight and safety from their experience and ours will undoubtedly make all games have a better standard and safety for the players, volunteers and game teams.
Vigour is undergoing some changes before the event acting on internal and external feedback to bring it to a level that we would like.
This call has been removed from the game as we think its a common negative feedback with worry about damage to physreps
We have reworded stun’s effect, as the word stun does not show what we want. Stun came across as a Petrify. Moving during the effect is allowed but at a walking pace and still unable to defend.
I’ve Seen Worse
We have increased the amount of hit points restored by the ability from one to three – the standard base hit point for player characters.
It was another highly questioned ability which people were asking how it worked and why. The team discussed at length the feedback and confusion. Their answer is Regeneration will restore a character to base hits of three from the critical state but also used while standing.
Fired up!
We have added a new ability to Vigour! Any character that purchases the vigour skill will gain access to Fired up! once a day. This will allow for some dramatic roleplay to regain Vigour.
Vigour cost
We have changed the amount of vigour required to use certain skills:
Crush now costs 2 Vigour
Rend now costs 2 Vigour
Stun now costs 2 Vigour
These are some of the strongest abilities in the field and listening to feedback we come to the consensus that we want them to be used sparingly during our adventures.