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Fable Rites


In addition to losing all hit points, the Weaver(s) immediately suffer a roleplay effect which they continue to roleplay for as long as they wish. The effect should be fitting for the Fable sphere. Some examples include:

  • You feel compelled to move to a musical rhythm that only you can hear.
  • One of the rite components turns out to be explosive or is it?
  • You feel a great need for attention and will act out dangerously to get it.
  • The rite is so funny, you roll on the floor with laughter and injure yourself.

Rites list

The Great Reveal 

Cast time: 2 minutes

Level: 1

Duration: 5 minutes

Extension:  Every Flicker of Water expended in the rite increases the duration by 5 minutes – (Each Flicker also increases the rite level by 2)

Range: circle of 1 metre radius (centre to edge)

Effect: A great mystery requires that the truth comes out at precisely the right moment. Honesty binds acquaintances into trusted comrades. By weaving Fable through a small area around them, this rite empowers a small circle to ensure that only the truth may be spoken within it. The circle is empowered for 5 minutes, or until the Weaver leaves it.

Dressing down Demeanour

Cast time: 1 minute

Level: 2

Duration: 5 minutes 

Extension:  This rite cannot be extended 

Range: 10 metres

Effect: Fable strengths both deeds and words. By weaving it within their own voice, a Weaver can create upon the exact tone and phrases needed to shock and disarm anyone they speak with. Upon completing the Wyrd draw, the Weaver may first call “Stagger” 3 times against the same target within 10 metres.

It’s Behind You!

Cast time: 30 seconds

Level: 3

Duration: 5 minutes

Extension: Every Flicker of Water expended in the rite increases the number of additional targets by 1 – (Each Flicker also increases the rite level by 2)

Range: 10 metres

Effect: The Weaver uses the shadows as well as the power of the story itself to catch the eye of the target, drawing their attention. Upon completing the Wyrd Draw, the Weaver may choose a target within 5 metres and call ‘Distract’. They may then repeat this against 2 additional targets, each within 10 metres of the Weaver and adjacent to a previous target.

As luck Would Have It 

Cast time: 2 minutes

Level:  4

Duration: 5 minutes

Extension: Every Flicker of Earth increases the duration by 5 minutes – (Each Flicker also increases the rite level by 2)

Range: Touch through foci

Effect: Luck is fickle to everyone, but some have learnt to weave the power of story so that they can control luck itself. The Weaver selects a target and during that targets next Wyrd Draw they may can change the next fail token drawn into a pass token (without taking corruption). 

Protagonist’s Bulwark

Cast time: 1 minute

Level: 5

Duration: 5 minutes

Extension: Every Flicker of Earth expended in the rite increases the duration by 5 minutes – (Each Flicker also increases the rite level by 2)

Range: Self (Weaver who makes the Wyrd Draw if cast as a group)

Effect: The Character fills themselves with the power of great adventures of old repelling things that would stop others in their tracks.This rite allows the Weaver to reflect all cantrips that they are the target of for 5 minutes. The Weaver calls “Rebound” and the cantrip caster then takes the effect of their own cantrip.

Bragging Rights

Cast time: 1 minutes

Level: 5 – Requires 1 Essence of Water

Duration: As per Rite

Extension: This rite cannot be extended 

Range: as per Rite 

Effect: To perform this rite, the weavers must expend an essence of water. Many powerful adventurers who dedicate themselves to Fable find that they are able to replicate even the greatest acts. This rite has the same effects as any single other Weaver rite as per the written rites, except that it can not benefit from extension by any means. The Weaver must talk about an element of one upmanship or tall tales in this rite.

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