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  11. Forge Rites

Forge Rites


In addition to losing all hit points, the Weaver(s) immediately suffer a roleplay effect which they continue to roleplay for as long as they wish. The effect should be fitting for the Forge sphere. Some examples include:

  • You want to take yourself apart, to see how you work and improve yourself.
  • Will and animation leak out of you as you slowly become an inanimate object.
  • Clothing and objects you touch begin fusing into your flesh, tearing wounds whenever they move or separate.
  •  You become obsessed with numbers and are convinced it brings the form of all things.

Rites List

Harmonic Resonance

Cast time: 1 minute

Level: 1

Duration: 5 minutes

Extension: Every Flicker of Fire expended in the rite increases the duration by 5 minutes – (Each Flicker also increases the rite level by 2)

Range: Self/Touch through foci 

Effect: Power calls to power and Forge often finds the subtle to improve and refine into something extraordinary. By weaving Forge through their foci, the Weaver may temporarily enchant an item to sense the hidden and unnoticed for 5 minutes. During this time, the item will naturally point at any magically or mundanely obscured being (such as those concealed by the secrets of the depths). This rite does not require a ref, but do speak with one if there is any confusion or need for assistance.

Perfect Reinforcement

Cast time: 1 minute

Level: 2

Duration: 5 minutes

Extension: Every Flicker of Earth expended in the rite increases the duration by 5 minutes – (Each Flicker also increases the rite level by 2)

Range: Self/Touch through foci

Effect: The Forge finds harmonies and brings disparate parts together into a greater whole. By weaving Forge through their foci, the Weaver can help people maximise the potential of their armour and truly make it a second skin. This rite increases the global hits on the target by +1. When the duration ends, the level returns to normal but their current armour hits remain unchanged (or reduce to the normal level if above that value). If multiple castings of this rite target the same character, the benefit does not go above +1 but they may use the longer duration. The target does not gain any benefit while wearing no armour.


Cast time: 2 minutes

Level: 3

Duration: 5 minutes

Extension:  This rite cannot be extended 

Range: 10 meters (Self if you are one of the 5 targets)

Effect: This rite empowers a small group of people so that their next rest will magically help them recenter themselves. It may only be cast within a calm and peaceful atmosphere (not on a battlefield, near combat, etc). Up to 5 targets may immediately spend 5 minutes relaxing and resting, roleplayed in any way appropriate to their character. Each target who does so without being disturbed by nearby danger or combat will recover from any negative roleplay effects

Waste not Want not

Cast time: 1 minute

Level: 3

Duration: Instantaneous 

Extension: Every Flicker of Earth expended in the rite increases the number of items by 1 – (Each Flicker also increases the rite level by 2)

Range: Touch though foci

Effect: Those who weave with Forge know that nothing is truly ever gone, only damaged, lost, and in need of repair to be used once more. Forge flows through metal, wood, and cloth to knit it together and restore their former glory. This rite allows the Weaver to repair 3 items, calling ‘Mend’ on each. This rite must be performed on and over the items.

The Smith’s Fury

Cast time: 30 seconds

Level: 4

Duration: Instantaneous

Extension:  Every Flicker of Fire expended in the rite increases the number of targets by 1 – (Each Flicker also increases the rite level by 2)

Range: 10 metres

Effect: Without tools, humanity is nothing. The sphere of Forge can be directed to ravage through the inanimate and unmake what was made, rendering blades dull and armour brittle. Upon completing the Wyrd Draw, the Weaver may choose up to 3 target items within 10 metres and use the call “Shatter”

Efficient Focus

Cast time: 1 minute

Level: 5

Duration: 5 minutes

Extension:  Every Flicker of Fire expended in the rite increases the duration by 5 minutes – (Each Flicker also increases the rite level by 2)

Range: Touch through Foci (Self if you are one of the 5 targets)

Effect: By weaving Forge through their foci, this rite can enhance people’s minds and willpower to the extremes of efficiency, achieving far more results from the same limited capacity. Up to three target cantrip casters double their maximum natural focus. Their current focus increases by the same amount. When the duration ends, their maximum focus returns to normal but their current focus remains unchanged (or reduces to the normal maximum if above that value). If multiple castings of this rite target the same character, their maximum focus does not go higher than double their natural maximum but they may use the longer duration for the effect.

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