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Oracle Rites


In addition to losing all hit points, the Weaver(s) immediately suffer a roleplay effect which they continue to roleplay for as long as they wish. The effect should be fitting for the Oracle sphere. Some examples include:

  • A flash of uncontrolled omniscience overwhelms and crushes your mind.
  • Nothing is real.
  • Your senses are all heightened beyond your ability to tolerate. A whisper is deafening, a candle is blinding, etc.
  • You are forced into deep sleep and ravaged by nightmares.

Rites list

The Shadow’s Projection

Cast time: 30 seconds

Level: 1

Duration: 5 minutes

Extension:  This rite cannot be extended 

Range: Self (Weaver who makes the Wyrd Draw if cast as a group)

Effect: To perform this rite, the character must first take cover and find a location out of combat. A Weaver may subsume their senses into Oracle and project them beyond their physical form, observing anything nearby within their web of power. They can see round corners, hear from far away, etc. Upon completing the Wyrd Draw, the Weaver can extend their senses and observe from any location within the immediate area. They raise their hand in the air, and can then move around within 10 metres from that location to observe and sense from any places of their choosing, including the other side of solid obstacles and inside containers. Alternatively they may ask a ref to convey what they sense. When the duration ends (or any time before), they return to their original location, lower their hand, and resume play. 


Cast time: 2 minutes

Level:  2

Duration: Instantaneous  

Extension: Every Flicker increases the number of targets that can see the vision – (Each Flicker also increases the rite level by 2)

Range: Touch through Foci

Effect: To perform this Rite, please inform a referee before you begin.  This rite can be used to call upon Oracle in times of need, weaving together disparate threads of fate, truth, and insight to form a vision of Oracle’s guidance. By weaving Oracle into their foci, the Weaver can then link a target to this vision and enable them to witness it when it has fully formed. The vision may be esoteric in nature, but always contains some truth or genuine advice. Inform a ref after completing the Wyrd Draw about the nature of your question, topic, or problem and the target(s) chosen.

Weal or Woe

Cast time: 2 minutes

Level: 3

Duration: Instantaneous 

Extension:  This rite cannot be extended 

Range: Self (Weaver who makes the Wyrd Draw if cast as a group)

Effect: To perform this Rite, please inform a referee before you begin.  Glimpses of the future can be extrapolated from knowledge of the present, and Oracle knows all. The future is mercurial, but a skilled Weaver can reach through it and pull together many thousands of possible threads into a scale with which to weigh their ideas. By weaving Oracle into a cocoon around their own mind, this rite allows the Weaver to gain insight about whether or not a plan has a good chance of success. After successfully finishing the rite, inform a referee of your plan and they will provide a response of weal, meaning it has a good chance of success; woe, meaning it has a very low chance of success; or no answer, meaning the fates are too fluid to predict.


Cast time: 2 minutes

Level: 4

Duration: Instantaneous 

Extension:  This rite cannot be extended 

Range: Self or Touch through foci / Within Elandria (Long range only – Cannot be cast to observe anyone within Haven)

Effect: To perform this Rite, please inform a referee before you begin and they will provide the target with the vision. Strands of Oracle link everything to all the places. Oracle can be woven into lenses and spinners to see the web and pull on the correct strands, spooling information from far away with which the Weaver can form a vision. The Weaver needs to have a token or sympathetic link to a far away location (e.g. some dirt from the area, a leaf from a tree that grows there etc). By weaving Oracle around their foci, a Weaver can pass it into the target’s mind and grant them a short vision of what is currently happening at that location. 

Hazy Visage

Cast time: 1 minute

Level: 4

Duration: 5 minutes

Extension: Every Flicker of Fire expended in the rite increases the duration by 5 minutes – (Each Flicker also increases the rite level by 2)

Range: Touch through foci

Effect: Oracle does not just reveal the truth to its Weavers, but also whispers ensnaring lies to their prey. By weaving Oracle through their foci, a Weaver can obscure someone’s exact positioning such that their enemies can not strike true. An illusion of the target is always hit instead. To represent this, the target receives 3 bonus hit points which are lost before their current hit points. All calls still have their usual effects. These bonus hit points are not ‘true’ vitality and can not be healed when expended. If multiple castings of this rite target the same character, their bonus hit points can not go higher than 3 but they may use the longer duration for the effect.

Overwhelming Portents

Cast time: 30 Seconds

Level:  4

Duration: Instantaneous 

Extension: Every Flicker of Air increases the number of targets by 1 – (Each Flicker also increases the rite level by 2)

Range: 10 metres

Effect: All Weavers rely on Oracle’s web, and thus are vulnerable to its Weaver’s venom. A Weaver may use Oracle to find stray threads of power that linger after rites and tangle them into a deadly trap, tricking an enemy Weaver into annihilating themself with their own sphere. Upon completing the Wyrd Draw, the Weaver may choose any 1 target(s) within 10 metres and call ’Overload’. If a target is a Weaver, they immediately suffer overload from their own sphere, regardless of whether they were conducting a rite. They can not tempt fate to avoid this overload. If a target is not a Weaver then the rite has no effect on them.

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