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Weaving Skills

Weaving is the commonly used name for a large and unique working of Wyrd. Rites are small specific Weavings that can be done anywhere and anytime because they are smaller and more common workings.

Wyrd is the name of wild magic; it is everywhere. Many centuries ago, the gods twisted and honed a portion of Wyrd and in so doing created Menhir, a vast sentience of Wyrd, which settled deep beneath the surface of the land. Menhir reaches out to the land’s surface through places known as the Fragments, and it is here that Wyrd Weavers may join with Menhir to create great and powerful Weavings of Wyrd, under the watchful eye of the Guardians


In Menhirs Fate, Guardians are all full time members of Menhirs Fate ref team and here to help facilitate Weaving. All Weavers may seek advice on ideas that they would like to try and achieve with Menhir from a Guardian who will be available throughout the event at the Circle of Weavers.

The Guardians are people who have spiritually joined with Menhir. They were all once Elandrians many years ago but after Menhir’s creation shards were placed within them and the Guardians were born as living embodiments of Menhir. They have the ability to understand Menhir and help represent its desires to other people. They are also Menhirs protectors and will guard it at all costs from damage or destruction. Politically the Guardians are neutral and have no strong feelings about what variety of Weaving is worked in Menhir, as long as no damage is done to its Fragments.

Handsel Augury

No XP cost. All players who take weaving skill have access to this ability. Characters may perform this Rite to commune with Menhir and discover the Handsels that are the “price” of a Weaving. This Rite has a duration time of 10 Minutes is a Level 10 Rite. This requires 1 Essence of the Sphere they will be attempting to Weave.
The Character informs a referee before beginning the rite. The characters performing this rite will need to complete the Weaving form. A member of the Weaving team (Guardians of the Menhir) will come and collect that form. The Weaving team will provide a response containing the effects, costs in Handsels and any other information about the weaving created through this rite.
More information on the full weaving process can be found on this Page.

Weaving skills

Weave Mastery

2xp This skill increases 1 of your existing spheres in power by 1 level
(This skill does not increase in xp cost when taken)


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